Territorial Policy
- Territorial Policy
- Territorial policy (auntonomous communities)
- Autonomy statutes
- Transfer of functions and services
- Transfer royal decrees
- Operating rules of the Joint Committees of transfers
- General information and statistics of transfers: Transfer approved and full of joint commissions of transfers by State legislatures
- Basic data on transfers in the XV state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XIV state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XIII state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XII state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XI state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the state legislature X
- Basic data on transfers in the ninth state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in region VIII state legislature
Grants for damage to municipal infrastructure, provincial road network and island
[UPDATED 26-02-2025]
In situations of emergency or catastrophic nature such as forest fires, storms or other natural disasters, the state, in exercise of exclusive competence in the field of public security (contained in the 149.1.29ª item of the spanish constitution), among other decisions, takes urgent measures aimed at repairing the damage to infrastructure, equipment or facilities, services and road networks and ownership of local entities affected.
The management and payment of grants to address these damages were attributed this Ministry.
Common foundations
(BOE 12-02-2015) Order PAHS/196/2015, of 21 januarywas promulgated, approving the regulatory basis subsidies designed to the execution of works of reparation or restitution of: infrastructure, equipment and facilities and services of municipal ownership and the commonwealths, a result of natural disasters as well as road networks up to the county councils, cabildos, island councils uniprovinciales and autonomous communities.
Practical information oninstitutional image (publicity campaigns).
Grants to cope with damage to infrastructure and road network of local entities
- Real Decreto-ley 6/2024 (DANA, municipalities in the annex I)
- The agreement of the council of ministers of 5 november 2024 (DANA)
- The agreement of the council of ministers of 1 october 2024
- Acuerdo de Consejo de Ministros de 5 de marzo de 2024
- Acuerdo de Consejo de Ministros de 25 de septiembre de 2023
- Acuerdo de Consejo de Ministros de 5 de septiembre de 2023
- Acuerdo de Consejo de Ministros de 20 de junio de 2023
- Acuerdo de Consejo de Ministros de 23 de agosto de 2022
- Acuerdo de Consejo de Ministros de 27 de junio de 2022
- Acuerdo de Consejo de Ministros de 17 de diciembre de 2021
- Acuerdo de Consejo de Ministros de 21 de septiembre de 2021
- Acuerdo de Consejo de Ministros de 24 de agosto de 2021
- Real measures Decreto-ley 10/2021, of 18 may
- Medidas Real Decreto 904/2020, de 13 de octubre (RD-ley 11/2019)
- Medidas Real Decreto 778/2020, de 25 de agosto (RD-ley 11/2019)
- Medidas Real Decreto-ley 11/2019, de 20 de septiembre
- Medidas Real Decreto-ley 2/2019, de 25 de enero (RD 630/2019, de 31 de octubre)
- Histórico de otras medidas ya cerradas
Further information,
For further information: Civil protection directorate and emergencies (Ministry of Interior).