Participation of Local Entities in European Affairs
European Union
TheEuropean Union(HAT) was established by the treaty of the European Union (!, 1992).
The Union is both a legal organization and political a draft to the extent that is responsible for "organizing consistently and solidarity relations between member states and between its peoples' (Article 1 of the Treaty of the European Union).
The European Union aims to the promotion of economic and social progress, sustainable development, an area without internal borders and an economic and monetary union.
Between policies of the European Union, we can highlight theRegional Policyunder which they carry out actions locally.
Within the institutions of the European Union, theRegions committee(CDR) is a political assembly that allows local and regional government occur within the European Union.
An essential tool of Regional policy of European Union funds europeos.Desde this page podráconsultarmás information onEuropean fundsaimed at Local entities.
Council of Europa
TheCouncil of Europais an organization internacionalcthe Eta
The ministry of finance and public administrations, as a service to local entities and citizens, offers a Spanish version of some of the most relevant documents of the board of Europa in terms of territorial autonomy. Conventions have binding legal nature, while the recommendations are non-binding legal instruments, designed to inspire the national legislation and practice. All the published here have been ratified by Spain, in the first case, and voted favourably, in the second.
Below seincorpora a selection of documents of the congress of local and regional Powers of Europa (CPLRE), camera representative of local and regional entities which constitutes an institution integrated in the organization of the board of Europa:
For information regarding consultarmás congress local and regional Powers of the following Europapinchelink.
Local entities can participate in the EGTC (hereinafter AECT). The AECT are regulated by these rules:
- TheRegulation (CE) 1082 / 2006the European Parliament and advice, 5 July 2006, on the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (AECT), the official 31.7.2006 L 210.
- When this regulation expressly authorized by, by the provisions of the convention and statutes.
- In the case unsettled issues, or regulated only in part by the present rules, by the right of the member state in which the AECT has its registered office.
In Spain are regulated in theRoyal Decree 37 / 2008of January 18, which will take the necessary measures to the effective implementation of the rules (CE) No 1082 / 2006, of the European Parliament and of the council, 5 July 2006, on the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (AECT).
The AECT are people jurídico-públicas, formed by entities or bodies of at least two member states of the European Union, which are designed to facilitate and promote cross-border cooperation, transnational and interregional, with the sole purpose to strengthen economic and social cohesion.
The AECT serve as a tool for cooperation at Community level to overcome obstacles to cross-border cooperation, which allow the cooperative groupings can trigger territorial cooperation projects cofinanced by the community or carry out activities of territorial cooperation on the initiative of member states.
The powers of the AECT are fixed in a cooperation agreement mandatory that is created by initiative of its members, which decide whether the AECT is an autonomous legal entity or if trust the tasks to one of these members. Its operation will be regulated in the statutes that the same pass with the limits and regulatory requirements established.
The Regulation quoted was amended by Regulation No 1302 / 2013, of the European Parliament and of the board of 17 December 2013, which has led to the approval by the Spanish government of the royal decree 23 / 2015, 23 January, which adapts the new provisions of internal Rules.
Cross-Border cooperation agreements
Spanish local entities can participate in various formulas of cross-border cooperation.
TheEuropean Framework convention on cross-border cooperation, also called Madrid treaty was signed in this city on 21 May 1980, being signed by Spain in July 1990 (BOE 16 October 1990).The Framework Convention enters into force in Spain on 25 November 1990, kicking off an active process of agreeing transnationally.
Cross-border cooperation occurs within the council of europe and requires the following international treaties bilateral or multilateral and specify who develop the provisions of the Convention European framework. Does not allow the participation of member states as such but only its local and regional, confining itself in addition to cooperation between contiguous entities or adjacent to one side of the border.
After the European Framework Convention, was the desirability of incorporating the same two protocols that respond to different needs. None of which has been signed by Spain as a result of which already has covered its interests through the two Bilateral treaties which has signed with France and Portugal, theBayona treatyandValence treaty, respectively.
Other International Agencies
In the following link will be accessible through the pages ofother international agencies
Municipal networks
Municipal networks are voluntary groupings of municipalities and other entities, which are primarily intended to be the exchange of experiences and the development of projects and actions in a particular field of activity with the object to join efforts and expertise to act as a pressure group and strengthen institutional position.
Through networks economic seimpulsaeldesarrollo municipalities, it produces an exchange of experiences and good practices, it is influence decisions of the state, the union European or international agencies to municipal interests are considered in decision making, strikes a momentum of local policies and joint actions carried out of promotion and dissemination of knowledge.