Government delegations
- Government delegations
- What is the General State Administration in the Territory?
- Legislation
- Delegations in Autonomous Communities
- Government Delegation in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia
- Government Delegate
- News
- Proyectos, Campañas e Información
- Servicios y Directorio
- Government Sub-delegation in Seville
- Government Sub-delegation in Almeria
- Government Sub-delegation in Cadiz
- Government Sub-delegation in Cordoba
- Government Sub-delegation in Huelva
- Government Sub-delegation in Jaen
- Government Sub-delegation in Malaga
- Government Sub-delegation in Granada
General Rules

Development of the General State Administration in the territory and creation of integrated services:
- Royal Decree 942/2010, of 23 July, on restructuring a number of functional areas integrated into the Delegations of the Government.
- Royal Decree 119/2003, of 31 January, creating and regulating the Interministerial Commission for the Coordination of the Peripheral Administration of the State.
- Royal Decree 2724/1998, of 18 December, on the integration of regional services of the Directorate-General of the National Geographical Institute in the Delegations of the Government.
- Order of 7 november 1997 developing the Royal Decree 1330/1997, of 1 August, on the integration of peripheral services and structure of the Delegations of the Government.
- Royal Decree 1330/1997, of 1 August, on the integration of peripheral services and structure of the Delegations of the Government.
- Royal Decree 617/1997, of 25 April, on Deputy Delegates of the Government and Insular Directors of the General State Administration.