Territorial Policy
- Territorial Policy
- Territorial policy (auntonomous communities)
- Autonomy statutes
- Transfer of functions and services
- Transfer royal decrees
- Operating rules of the Joint Committees of transfers
- General information and statistics of transfers: Transfer approved and full of joint commissions of transfers by State legislatures
- Basic data on transfers in the XV state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XIV state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XIII state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XII state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XI state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the state legislature X
- Basic data on transfers in the ninth state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in region VIII state legislature
Autonomous Estado-Comunidades cooperation
The intersections of competence and accountability in the different areas of administrative activity at different levels politicians leads to complex situations that require the conclusion and the agreement between the state and the Autonomous Communities. To meet this reality, instruments of cooperation aim to ensure consistency of decentralized system, avoid duplication or overlapping of functions carried out and ensure efficient use of the human and material resources of the different administrations.
Conference of presidents
Conference of presidents
Multilateral Cooperation or sectoral
Multilateral cooperation is starring the state and all of the autonomous communities. The most characteristic are sectoral conferences, which are organs of cooperation relating to a specific sector of public activity. Are composed of the incumbent competent Department and by all councillors Autonomous governments responsible for the same area.
Collaboration Agreements
Cooperation agreements are agreements between the state administration and one or several Autonomous communities Are an instrument of cooperation and widely used in the Autonomous Status for the freedom of contract feature of this figure, which attaches particular suitability and flexibility to address specific situations that require the agreement between the state and Autonomous Community.
The state financial cooperation
The State's financial cooperation for the development of actions that competencialmente correspond to the Autonomous Communities account with a regulation, basically procedural and provided for in Article 86 of the General law Budgetary. Through this procedure the state provides financial resources for the realization of autonomous policies.
Bilateral Cooperation Commissions
Bodies are bilateral cooperation, composed of representatives of states and one Autonomous Community for the treatment of general issues of content or specific.