IMI coordinator

Final authorities are the raison d'être of IMI system. These are calls to participate more actively in the system, exchanging information, consultation, etc. to carry out the necessary administrative cooperation between the EEMM.

Alongside them appear various coordinators IMI supporting concluding authorities. Play an essential work both to ensure the construction, training and maintenance of the network of authorities, as to provide greater specialisation before cases requiring intervention (as divergent views with other states, treatment of alerts, etc.).

In Spain, besides the figure of a compulsory national coordinator (NOVA) have been designated thematic 'coordinator' by each directive of the General administration of the state, and coordinators' global 'for each CCAA and towns with autonomy statute enabled for all directives.

NIMIC (national IMI system coordinator)

Esther Peláez Pérez (Mº Territorial policy and Public Function).

(c / Cea Bermúdez, 46 - 4º; 28071-Madrid; 91 2734439


List of coordinators autonomous IMI

Delegate coordinator for the directive of professional qualifications

Delegate coordinator for the directive of professional qualifications

Delegate coordinator for the directive of professional qualifications

Delegates coordinator for the services directive

Delegate coordinator in the field of transport euros

Delegate coordinator for the directive on the posting of workers

Delegate coordinator for the directive on patients' rights

Delegate coordinator for the e-commerce directive

Delegate coordinator for the field of recovery of cultural property

Delegate coordinator for the field of non-road mobile machinery

Delegate coordinator for the field of public documents

Delegate coordinator for the field of transfer of firearms

Delegate coordinator for the field of train drivers

Delegated Coordinator for the Consumer Protection Cooperation Regulation

Delegated Coordinator for the Consumer Protection Cooperation Regulation

Centro SOLVIT España

Dentro de IMI también se localiza la base de datos de SOLVIT que es un servicio de ámbito europeo que ayuda a los ciudadanos y empresas a ejercer sus derechos en el mercado interior solucionando sus problemas concretos con los organismos públicos. En España, esta base de datos la gestiona el centro SOLVIT-ES que reporta directamente a la Comisión Europea.

Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación
Plaza del Marqués de Salamanca 8
28006 MADRID