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Introduction to the Special Commissioner for the reconstruction of the island la Palma

Minister Félix Bolaños and the president of The Canary Islands Angel Victor (Source: Ag. EFE)
On 19 september 2021, 15:12, time, this Summit Old volcano erupted in the island of La Palma. Eighty-five days later, it is estimated that the volcano has expelled 159 million cubic metres of lava, which have covered most of 1,219 hectares of land - equivalent to 1.707 football - camps, buried 73.8 kilometres of roads and affected 2,988 buildings.
This situation was the declaration of the island la Palma as a zone severely affected by an emergency civil protection in the meeting of the council of ministers on 28 september 2021. Six months later, you can take it that the balance of the performance of all levels of administration -estatal, autonomous community, island and local levels is very good, and that is an example of good administrative coordination.
From a quantitative point of view, have been equipped personnel 587 billion of which have mobilized 448.
All of these funds have served to articulate a number of responses and actions of rapid and coordinated manner, with three purposes: (i) address the immediate effects of the emergency, (ii) repair, compensate and assist the people concerned, and (iii) planning the reconstruction of the island once brought to fruition, the eruption.
In the month of september received the mandate to coordinate the actions of the government for the reconstruction of the island la Palma after the eruption of old Summit chaired the inter-ministerial commission, involving 12 ministries, and co-Chair, minister for relations with the courts and Democratic Heritage, Félix Bolaños Garcia with the president of the canary islands, Angel victor Torres, the mixed commission for the reconstruction of the island la Palma, collaborative effort involving the three administrative levels: Government of Spain, Canary islands government and local entities -Cabildo de La Palma and the municipalities of Los Llanos de Aridane, Tazacorte and Step up and hierarchical and as Special Commissioner for the reconstruction of the island la Palma, D. Héctor F. Izquierdo Triana, is responsible for the coordination and promotion of the actions taken by the General state administration for repairing the damage caused by the volcanic eruptions, and for the reconstruction of the island la Palma.
To provide normative fit to these actions and the provision of funds, the government of spain had adopted Reales-Decretos-Ley and included provisions on La Palma, who had been joined by various provisions of these or for the direct aid and subsidies.
- RD-LEY-20-2021 Medidas-urgentes-reparacion-daños (PDF · 501,9 KB)
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