- Ministry
- Organization chart
- Minister of Territorial policy and Democratic Memory
- Chief of staff of the minister of Territorial policy and Democratic Memory
Chief of staff of the minister of Territorial policy and Democratic Memory

Doctor of Applied Economics, university Complutense of Madrid, a diploma of advanced studies in economic and monetary integration in Europe by Ortega y Gasset university institute and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, master's degree in economics Applied "the european union's economy" by Ortega y Gasset university institute and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and bachelor's degree in economics, university of La Laguna.
Economist macroeconomic analysis, canary islands economy, corporate strategy and público-privada collaboration.
Viceconsejero of the presidency of the canary islands, president of the Special Area Canaria, director-general for the coordination and technical support to the vice-presidency, director-gerente development company (Santa Cruz de Tenerife and chef de cabinet to the president of the Special Area Canaria, among other positions of responsibility.
Investigador-colaborador of the economic and Social council of the canary islands in the development of its annual report between 2006 and 2011. Author and co-author of more than fifteen articles published in various journals and books international professionals, national and regional levels.