Services of government delegations

The Delegations of the Government are the channels through which citizens contact the General State Administration to make use of their rights and freedoms.

Each Delegation and Subdelegation of the Government and Insular Direction has a Secretariat-General, responsible for a very diverse range of services in two main areas of activity: the management of common services and services related to the exercise of rights and freedoms.
Documentation Register
These offices carry out the functions of registration, citizen attention and information on procedures and services of the General State Administration and the administration of Autonomous Communities, local and institutional entities.
*The offices for assistance on registries are administrative Bodies, in accordance with the Law 40/2015, of 1 october, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector.
Among others, they provide the following services:
information (in person, in the written form, by email and by telephone).
Reception, recording and transfer of documentation to any other public administration.
Issuance of certificates of the FNMT, class 2CA for natural person,s and the issuance of certificates Cl@ve.
Management and register of “apud summary ” in the electronic Register of legal powers.
Issuing of receipts concerning the requests and written submissions, as well as the compulsa, if any, of the documents attached to those requests.
Issuing sealed copies of original documents which are attached to the requests.
Reception of complaints and suggestions.
Providing information on examinations of Court translators.
Administrative Authorizations
The Secretaries-General at the Delegations of the Government are in charge of providing authorisations in fields within various ministerial departments, including the following:
Explosives, fireworks and "cartuchería": authorization for use by enterprises involved in the sector.
Weapons: authorization of polygons and galleries of tyre, armouries, denial and revocation of arms licences.
Private security and public safety: including authorizations such as those for private security services with a weapon or authorizations for municipalities to carry out tasks of local police without a uniform.
Citizen Rights and Citizen Security
Delegations and Subdelegations of Government are in charge of procedures to guarantee a number of fundamental rights and also hold responsibility for the protection of pubic safety.
Procedures related to the fundamental right of meeting (concentration and demonstrations).
Organization of the electoral procedure.
Free legal assistance.
Processing sanction procedures in the areas of:
Public safety.
Private security.
Sporting events.
The sale of precious metals.
Suspension of sanctions when being treated for drug dependency recovery.
Forced Expropriation
The Provincial Jury of Forced Expropriation is a collegiate body of the General State Administration, chaired by a magistrate, which impartially determines the fair price of goods to be expropriated when no agreement was reached between the parties on the compensation.
The secretariats of the Provincial Juries of Forced Expropriation perform the following functions:
Previous management of the files on fair price.
Request for additional documentation.
Receipt of reports.
Convening meetings and drafting summarys.
Processing claims.
Other functions that correspond to secretaries of collegiate bodies.
Civil Protection
The Civil Protection units coordinate the proceedings and provide technical advice in situations of emergency alert with national interest. In addition, they manage government subsidies in cases of natural disasters.
Relations with Territorial Administrations
In connection with entities of the Local Administration, they are in charge of:
Economic, technical, legal and administrative cooperation .
Control of the legality of their acts.
Violence against Women
The Coordination units of violence against women and units of violence against women, provide follow-up of resources and institutional response against violence against women: gender violence, trafficking, female genital mutilation, forced marriages.
They develop the following types of functions:
Follow-up and coordination of the resources and services of the General State Administration devoted to the situations of gender-based violence in the territory, and also collaboration with the regional administrations and local authorities in the area of gender-based violence.
Customized follow-up of all situations of gender-based violence and support in its jurisdiction, as well as actions in case of deaths due to gender-based violence.
Participation in information, awareness-raising and prevention of gender-based violence campaigns, and promotion and cooperation in the training of professionals.
Actions in relation to the traffick of women for the purpose of sexual exploitation as well as in the area of other forms of violence against women: female genital mutilation, forced marriages, etc.
The State Observatory of Violence Against Women established a new email of the service 016 to provide information and advice on gender-based

Functional Areas of Delegations of the Government manage most of the integrated services and directly act in the entire territory of the autonomous community.They are organized in provincial units. The following functional areas are established:
Agriculture and Fishing
The areas and units carry out, inter alia, the following functions:
Health control of live animals, animal products not intended for human consumption and products for animal feed, both in import and export regime and phytosanitary control in plant products, both in import and export regime.
Health control of products in the Borders
Collaboration with the Spanish Agrarian Security Fund (FEGA) in the management of public subsidies. In particular:
Identification and monitoring of a number of products benefitinf from export refunds.
Managing agricultural insurance subsidies, the control of subsidies from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF), as well as the conduct of certain applications of credits, grants, certificates, licences and permits in the area of agriculture, fisheries and food.
Control of courses within plurirregionales training programmes for professionals in rural areas.
In the fisheries they are in charge of the inspection and sanctions based on illegal fishing in external waters, as well as the issuing licences and certificates of recognition of fishing equipment.
High Education Inspection
This Unit has two functions: monitoring and analysis of the educational system of the autonomous communities, and management of competences for the approval of dipomas and foreign studies:
- Management: issuing diplomas, accreditation, standardization, recognition and equivalence recognition.
- Legalization of official higher educaction documents which shall have effects abroad
They perform the following functions:
Monitoring of compliance with the basic curricula regulation and educational regulations of the autonomous communities.
Information and management of procedures on the recognition and equivalence of diplomas and non-higher education foreign studies.
Information on the approval/equivalency of foreign higher education diplomas for academic purposes, as well as recognition and/or accreditation of higher education diplomas and vocational training, and their professional effects in the European area and competences of the autonomous communities regarding vocational training.
Recognition of equivalence for purposes of employment.
Managing of files on the validation and approval of foreign diplomas.
The areas and units carried out, inter alia, the following functions:
Management of integrated services of transport and roads, functions of initiating and processing of administrative sanction files, granting of authorisations, processing applications of cards for complementary private transport of goods, or processing files regarding compensations for patrimonial responsibility for damage attributable to the state of roads.
Functions in the field of public works and housing.
Inspection and supervision of international transports to check whether vehicles transporting goods comply with all technical and administrative requirements to do these functions in the European Union.
Follow-up of investments regarding the Spanish historical heritage funded with the cultural 1.5%.
In the Balearic and Canary islands, processing subsidies for the transport of goods.
Transport subsidy Canary Islands
Transport subsidy Illes Balears
The National Geographical Institute provides technical assistance in the area of geographic information and marketing of cartographic products and is responsible for the control and maintenance of the seismic network and nivelation geodetic networks.
Industry and Energy
They take part of various procedures in the field of energy facilities, such as:
Files concerning the implementation of the central electricity and gas pipelines and power lines, as well as their reform and expansion.
Public interest declarations in the field of pipelines, oil and electrical installations of production and transportation of energy supply.
Procedures and validation and normalization of goods and industrial products.
They are also responsible for granting authorizations for explosives, fireworks, and issuing aptitude certificates for handling explosives and they carry out tasks related to industrial property.
Health and Social Policy
The areas and units carried out, inter alia, the following functions:
Hygienic-sanitary control and surveillance on the import of products intended for human consumption.
Health Control of products in Border
Advisory service for the travellers regarding health risks associated with international travel and administration of vaccines and other preventive and prophylactic measures based on reasons of public health in international traffic in persons in the International Vaccination Centres (CVI).
International vaccination centres
Hygienic-sanitary controls: control and surveillance of ports, airports of international trafficking and international transport.
Mortuoria Health Police: control and surveillance of international transfer of bodies and human remains.
Inspections of pharmaceutical products at the border of imports and exports and inspection installations of manufacture and import of medicinal products, cosmetics and personal hygiene products.
Management and control of narcotic drugs and substances seized from illicit trafficking: analysis and reporting for judicial and administrative procedures.
Work and Immigration
The areas and units carry out the following functions:
Foreigners: The assistance for the immigrant citizens is provided by the offices of foreigners, as units that integrates the services of the General State Administration with competence on foreigners and immigration at the provincial level.
Offices of foreigners in the Delegations of the Government
Procedures on inmigration in the electronic site
Appointments for inmigration procedures
They perform the following functions:
Authorization of residence permits, authorizations and exceptuaciones to obtain a work permit, authorizations of return, of extensions of the stay, of the identity card of inmigrants and of the cards of foreign students, as well as their issuance and delivery.
Receipt of the declaration of entry.
Receiving the request of registration of ballot papers and travel documents for the departure from Spain, as well as their issuance and delivery.
Processing of sanction procedures for breaches of the policy on inmigrations and European Union regime.
Processing of administrative claims where appropriate.
Allocation and communication of foreign identity numbers by the police services.
Information, reception and processing of applications on international protection, and requests of the status of stateless persons.
Collection and preparation of administrative and demographic statistics on the foreign and European population in the province.
Control of maintenance of the conditions that determined the granting of authorizations.
Certificates and subsidies for returning emigrants: issuance of certificates of returning emigrants to Spain and information on requests for proposals, requirements or time limits of the various types of subsidies and subsidies for migrants and returnees. Processing of grants.
Processing and resolution of costs of proccedures :resolution of cases of complaint to the State of costs related to trials for dismissals and Social Security contributions.
Contracts in origin for temporary staff: management of the annual quota of non-EU workers in the provinces where the offices of foreigners were not formally established.