Internal market information system (IMI)

Administrative cooperation in the European Economic Area have on the system IMI an essential tool. It involved numerous state public authorities, regional and local authorities to guarantee the rights of citizens and companies in the internal market, in communication with their counterparts in other member states.

The beijing platform for making the declarations of displacement in road transport is not the IMI, but the following portal, which is accessible at:https :// The IMI only system can be used by the competent authorities.Further information,.
Holding in Spain for the fifteenth anniversary of the IMI

With the aim of the fifteenth anniversary of the system IMI, in Spain had the opportunity to meet both arrangements with Delegates on 2 april 2024, as with regional arrangements, on 9 april 2024.Further information,.
Holding in brussels of the fifteenth anniversary of the IMI

On 30 november 2023 was held in Brussels the high-level conference on the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of IMI.Further information,.
Regulation (EU) no. 1024/2012 ('Regulation IMI')
Since its entry into force on 4 december 2012,Regulation (EU) no. 1024/2012(Regulation IMI) constitutes a solid legal framework that guarantees the effective functioning.
IMI and data protection
Information regarding thedata protectionpersonal IMI system.
- Access the system by IMI << here >>.
- You can also visit the <IMI web> from the commission and its <evaluation> on the use by EEMM.
- For queries on use
The internal market information system is intended only to the public authorities of member states (is not accessible to citizens or companies) and facilitates the administrative cooperation in various areas related to the internal market. If you want to know what is overall IMI and who participates in it, please visit this section.
Manuals and documentation on the IMI, newsletters, edited by coordination IMI in spain, and references on the legal system and the areas it serves. If you are a user of IMI, here you.ll find useful information.
Useful Links for users of IMI (always involved in any public authority) and also for citizens and businesses.
Coordinadora Nacional del Sistema IMI (NOVA)
María josé del Olmo Toribio
Paseo de la Castellana 28046-Madrid 3;
See thepromotional video IMIfilmed in Mallorca for the eu commission.