Territorial Policy
- Territorial Policy
- Territorial policy (auntonomous communities)
- Autonomy statutes
- Transfer of functions and services
- Transfer royal decrees
- Operating rules of the Joint Committees of transfers
- General information and statistics of transfers: Transfer approved and full of joint commissions of transfers by State legislatures
- Basic data on transfers in the XV state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XIV state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XIII state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XII state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XI state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the state legislature X
- Basic data on transfers in the ninth state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in region VIII state legislature
Economic cooperation programme of the state and other lines of cooperation
Here you will find information on the different lines of support that comprise the Economic cooperation programme of the state to investments of local entities (CEL), as well as other additional lines of cooperation
Local Economic Cooperation of the state is regulated essentially the royal decree 835 / 2003 of 27 June, which regulates economic cooperation of the state to investments of local entities (modified by the Royal Decree 1263 / 2005 of October 21) as well as in the order APU / 293 / 2006 of 31 January, development and implementation. In these rules are set various lines of cooperation, e.g. the input to investments included in theProvincial plans and island of cooperationthe works and services municipal competition.
On the other hand, various laws pressupostos generals of the state or other general provisions, have establishedadditional linesof economic cooperation of the state with entities that make up the Local administration.
Help lines:
Aid to municipalities of less than 20,000 inhabitants: Information about the special financing mechanism in the period 2077-11, to municipalities with people not exceeding 20,000 inhabitants.
Aid to municipalities with military installations: Information about compensation for municipalities in the period 2005-, by the existence in its territory of large military installations.
3. Investment funds - And Local Plans

Otra información histórica sobre cooperación económica local
Datos históricos sobre los presupuestos de las entidades locales
Información histórica sobre otras aportaciones del Estado a las entidades locales, distintas de las del programa de Cooperación Económica Local