Territorial Policy
- Territorial Policy
- Territorial policy (auntonomous communities)
- Autonomy statutes
- Transfer of functions and services
- Transfer royal decrees
- Operating rules of the Joint Committees of transfers
- General information and statistics of transfers: Transfer approved and full of joint commissions of transfers by State legislatures
- Basic data on transfers in the XV state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XIV state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XIII state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XII state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XI state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the state legislature X
- Basic data on transfers in the ninth state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in region VIII state legislature
Documentation on the system IMI
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Key documents for any user of IMI.
- Informative brochureIt must have: If someone why does The IMI, who should participate and to what this brochure strictly informative might be helpful. Illustrate in a very short time the raison d'être of IMI system.
- A brief guide for decision: basic reference for system users IMI in Spain. The user guide prepared by the commission is much more extensive (comes in many unnecessary details for users of the authorities end) while this guide focuses on what is really the scope of authorities involved in IMI. It also offers a tailored to the structure and operation of IMI in Spain.
Other manuals and technical documentation on the system IMI (remember that you can also go to the documentation page IMI web of the commission).
- Official handbooksystem user IMI (European Commission)
- Registration of authorities: supplementary handbook for gender focal points on how to make the registration of authorities (in english)
- Guidelines nomenclature:guidelines binding on all parties, in appointing competent authorities in IMI.
- Acronymsof the 31 states
- Click here to access the section with information on each legislative area covered by IMI. For each area you can find: questionnaires, description of the specific procedures and workflows, list of subjects of the area, recommendations, legal texts, web links among others useful instruments for users of IMI.