Government delegations
- Government delegations
- What is the General State Administration in the Territory?
- Legislation
- Delegations in Autonomous Communities
- Government Delegation in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia
- Government Delegate
- News
- Proyectos, Campañas e Información
- Servicios y Directorio
- Government Sub-delegation in Seville
- Government Sub-delegation in Almeria
- Government Sub-delegation in Cadiz
- Government Sub-delegation in Cordoba
- Government Sub-delegation in Huelva
- Government Sub-delegation in Jaen
- Government Sub-delegation in Malaga
- Government Sub-delegation in Granada
The strategic Plan of AGE in the territory 2024-2027

The strategic Plan of AGE in the territory 2024-2027
With this Plan seeks to build from the delegations of the government of an administration closer to people, more accessible, more efficient, more visible and recognisable and more sustainable; an administration committed to citizenship
that must provide a quality service in all, and in each of our vast and rich territory, assuming with professionalism the demands of the present and constructing a administration prepared for the future challenges.
Annex II of the strategic Plan includes the Plan of action 2024.
- Orden Ministerio Aprobación PEAGET 2024-2027 (PDF - 251,01 KB)
- PEAGET 2024-2027 Resumen Ejecutivo CASTELLANO (PDF - 1,46 MB)
- PEAGET 2024 2027 Resumen Ejecutivo CATALAN (PDF - 4,75 MB)
- PEAGET 2024-2027 Resumen Ejecutivo GALLEGO (PDF - 4,75 MB)
- PEAGET 2024-2027 Resumen Ejecutivo EUSKERA (PDF - 4,77 MB)
- PEAGET 2024-2027 Resumen Ejecutivo VALENCIANO (PDF - 4,7 MB)
- PEAGET 2024-2027 Versión para imprimir (PDF - 8,5 MB)
- Plan Estratégico de la AGE en el Territorio 2024-2027 (PDF - 10,07 MB)