Outreach activities
The knowledge of our recent past contributes to settle our coexistence on firmer footing, whilst protecting us from repeating past mistakes. That is why the state secretariat for Democratic Heritage has among its objectives to promote awareness of the democratic stages of our history and, in addition, all those who have contributed with their work and on numerous occasions with their sacrifice today enjoy a regime of full democracy.
To this end, the secretariat of state, in coordination with other government agencies, authorities and organizations of civil society, organizes activities to disseminate the history of the struggle for the achievement of freedom in our country and to value and remember the efforts of all persons that were highlighted in the struggle for freedom.
In this page with the passage of all activities that we are making related to this objective.

International Conference the transition processes in the twentieth century europe
On the 50th anniversary of the carnation revolution, this conference internacionall together leading experts to examine the processes of democratization that transformed europe during the 20th century. It will explore key milestones as the end of dictatorships in southern europe — Portugal, spain and Greece — and the revolutions dismantled the communist regimes in Central and eastern europe, redefining the political map of the continent.

Conference Interrnacional Euopea Democratic Heritage
The conference will focus on the importance of the memory of democracy in europe since the end of armed conflicts that afflicted the continent during the twentieth century, emphasizing its fundamental role to avoid the forgetfulness and prevent the recurrence of tragic events.

Colloquiums 90 anniversary of the proclamation of the second republic
It gathers information about different seminars that have been welcoming (Priego de Córdoba, Valencia and Madrid) to commemorate the proclamation of the second republic in Spain. Contains programs of each colloquium, and much of the audiovisual ones with the opening and closure, as well as the conferences Of the complete report of each lecturer.

80 Anniversary of the death of Azaña in exile
Collect all the activities related to the commemoration of the 80 anniversary of the death of Azaña in exile, as well as extensive information about the exhibition held at the national library. You can also browse documents that can help to better understand this important intellectual and political.

In 2019 complied with the 80 years of the end of the spanish Civil war and of the flight of republican and spanish republicans to France, north africa and the american continent. This page contains a huge amount of graphic material, audio-visual, images, and links to podcasts radio, television reports, publications and events on exile republican english showing reconocimiendo exiles and the countries that hosted them.

map Congress Liberal Triennium
To commemorate the Liberal Triennium (1820-1823), the state secretariat had scheduled a congress entitled "liberal Triennium two hundred years later. Understand the past, reflect the present", to be held in the senate from 31 may to 2 june 2022. This historical period marked the return of the constitution of 1812 and is a symbol, still today, the fight of liberalism against absolutism situation in those years.