La memoria en la radio
“ MEMORY IS democracy ” Radio 5 All News
The state secretariat for Democratic Heritage in RTVEPLAY

“Memory is Democracy” is a radio time serving as a result of the Law of Democratic Heritage, with a double purpose. On the one hand, aims to foster an awareness of the democratic stages of our contemporary history and of those individuals and groups, with great sacrifices, built the links of democratic culture which increased outreach to the agreements of the constitution of 1978, and to the current Democratic welfare state.
On the other hand, “ aims to preserve and maintain the memory of victims of war in spain and the franco dictatorship, through knowledge of the truth, as a right of victims, the establishment of justice and reparation and the establishment of a duty of memory of the public authorities, to avoid a recurrence of any form of political violence or totalitarianism ” (Preamble I, act no. 20/2022, of 19 october, from Democratic Memory).
The history and memory is a good starting point to build a society in which democracy and respect for human rights is the fundamental value. Because Memory is Democracy and neglect is not compatible with a democratic society.
“Memory is Democracy” broadcasted on thursday, at 11:45h, on Radio 5 All News CHANNEL. Drafting and recordings Débora Álvarez.