Liability for breach of eu law

The Royal Decree 515/2013, 5 july, develops a general procedure for the setting and impact of the responsibilities arising from breaches of the european Union. This procedure is a major innovation in the spanish legal system, since to date, there were only scattered regulations and sector in areas such as management of funds, among others.

The third additional provision of the royal decree determines that “ the ministry of finance and Public Administrations, submitted annually to the council of ministers a report, which will be public, on communications received from acts, sentences, or decisions of the european institutions for penalizing the kingdom of Spain for breach of the right of the european union, the proceedings, the decisions and the state of enforcement of judgements under this Royal Decree ”.

Thus, the report of 2014 is the first of the reports produced by the ministry of finance and public authorities, as provided for in the third additional provision of royal decree 515/2013, 5 july.