The agreement of the council of ministers of 23 august 2002


Agreement of the regions of andalusia, Aragon, Balearic Islands, canary islands, castile and león, Castilla-La Mancha, Catalonia, valencia, Extremadura, Galicia, Madrid, Murcia region of Comunidad Foral de Navarra, basque country and La Rioja "area affected severely by an emergency" civil protection, as a result of fires that occurred during the months of june, july and august 2002.

In order to alleviate the damage and damage produced, in accordance with article 24 of act no. 17/2015, of 9 july, and other legal provisions and regulations, shall be taken the measures referred to in paragraphs below.

"Fourth. Damage to municipal infrastructure and road network" provincial

The projects directly related to the events referred to in paragraph 1 of this agreement implemented by municipalities, cabildos and island councils, county councils or the autonomous communities uniprovinciales, the regions and communities and towns and villages in dealing with the activities of reparation or restitution of infrastructure, equipment or installations and services in municipal ownership including article 25.2 of the law 7/1985 of 2 april, regulatory Bases del régimen Local, and the road network in the county councils, of cabildos and island councils or, if any, of the autonomous communities uniprovinciales, be applied the processing of urgency and they may grant a subvention of up to 50 per cent of its cost, excluded from this assistance work carried out its own means personified not of the local entity, whether materials, machinery or staff.


  • Resolution of 15 december 2022,the secretariat of state for Territorial Policy, which approves the convening of the subsidy to infrastructure damage in municipal and provincial road network and island level under the agreement of the council of ministers of 23 august 2002 declaring "area affected severely by an emergency Civil protection" the territory affected as a result of fires that occurred during the months of june, july and august 2002, published inextract BOE 21/12/2022.


You can download anoterelevant for the preparation of requests and the procedure to continue to aid.


Practical information oncorporate imageto mention of the financing of works by the General state administration within the publicity and communication.


News published on 16/06/2023. Last update 06/07/2023.

(BOE 30/06/2023)Resolution of 16 june 2023of the state secretariat of Territorial policy, which agreed to the allocation of subsidies for damage to municipal infrastructure and road network, provincial and island under the agreement of the council of ministers of 23 august 2002, which states area affected severely by an emergency civil protection in the territory affected as a result of fires that occurred during the months of june, july and august 2002.

Note for entities with projects funded:

According to item 12 of the order of foundations and under terms that are reflected in paragraph 8 of resolution convening role,maximumthree months after the publication of the resolution of allocation of subsidies in the official state gazette,entities beneficiaries- the provincial election, “ juntas forales ” or, where appropriate, the administration of the autonomous communities uniprovinciales envisaged in resolution of asignación-they are obliged to submitthroughapplication “ AURA - subsidies in the event of natural disasters EELL "award certificateofeachofbuilding projectsthe assigned them grant.

Accordingly,is already opento refer the certificate of award the work funded in the call.

However, with regard to theconclusionthe maximum term to refer the certificate of adjudication, by resolution of the General directorate of Local and Regional Cooperation, of 3 july 2023,this period is extended, ex officio and for all projects funded to date, 14 november 2023. The maximum periodindicatedit is no longer capable of further enlargements.

The certificate of adjudication, called “annex II"in Order PAHS/196/2015,generated and signed in the implementation AURAby the entities concerned, in response to the documentationpreviously would have made the executing agencies of the works.

Therefore, the provincial election, “ juntas forales ” or, where appropriate, the administration of the autonomous communities uniprovinciales, as beneficiaries, are entitieslegitimized to approve instructions in the which gives the timing and formin thatthe executing agencies are required to refer the information needsto ensure the fulfilment of the obligations of the order PAHS/196/2015, of 21 january, and resolution of solicitation.

Thelack of referencethe award certificatewithin a maximum period and in the manner indicated, will entail the loss of the right to paymenton the subvention allocated to the project (item 12.4 of the order PAHS/2015/196 of 21 january).


Noteon the implementation and justification of the proceedings.


CodeName of indicator (measurement unit)Value
P01Projects subvencion requested (number)80
P02Effectively projects funded (number)58
P03Local entities benefited from subsidies (number)40
P04Beneficiaries for subsidies (inhabitants)1.120.321
P05The amount of subsidy granted (euros)3.588.889,34

(P01) number of projects which were submitted to the procedure for the granting of subsidies.

(P02) number of projects have been allocated funding (wholly or partly).

(P03) Number of local bodies that possess one or more projects, funding has been provided.

(P04) population of the municipalities to projects funded. Data from the official population figures. If the Diputation or similar body outside promoter of a project, has been computed the provincial population (not including the one of the municipalities of that province to projects funded).

(P05) total amount of grants awarded by the ministry in the proceedings.