Recovery Plan

The European Council approved in 2020 the programme NextGenerationEU, to respond in a common and coordinated way to the economic and social crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and to help to repair the damage caused.
In the framework of this programme the Recovery and resilience facility (MRR)is created, together with the Recovery assistance for cohesion and the territories of Europe (REACT-UE) and other instruments established in the multiannual financial framework 2021-2027, will promote reforms and investments in priority areas at European level.
To take advantage of this mechanism and access 140 billion euros, around 69,500 million in non-refundable transfers and 70,000 million in loans, that Spain could receive according to the distribution indicators, the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan ,“ Spain can Plan ” was presented to the Comission following approval by the Council of Ministers.
The Plan is structured into four intersectional axis: ecological transition, digital transformation, gender equality and social and territorial cohesion. It is structured into 10 policy levers which are part of a total of 30 components, including 212 measures (110 investments and 102 reforms).
The fourth policy lever proposed in the Plan, 2An Administration for the 21st century", and, in particular in component 11, which develops this policy through a set of reforms and investments aimed at the digitization and modernization of public administrations, energy transition and the strengthening of administrative capabilities, includes the participation of the Ministry of Territorial Policy (MTP), in particular regarding the reform of the administration.
The Ministry of Territorial Policy will focus on carrying out a set of reforms and investments linked to the reform for the modernization and digitization of the administration (Reform 1, R1) and the Digital transformation and modernization of the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Service, the autonomous communities and local entities (Investment 3, I3).
At the same time, following the agreement reached with the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, the Ministry of Territorial Policy will carry out a series of activities to promote energy renovation of buildings of the General state Administration in the territory (in delegations and sub-delegations of Government) in the framework of the Energy Transition Plan in the General State Administration (Investment4, I4).
These measures will fulfill the obligations imposed by the European Union to Spain, as a beneficiary of MRR funds regarding the protection of financial interests, in particular in relation to the prevention, detection and correction of fraud, corruption and conflict of interests.
Reform for the Digitization of the administration
Reform for the Digitization of the administration
Digital transformation and Modernization of local entities
Digital transformation and Modernization of local entities
Energy Transition Plan in the General State Administration in the Territory
Energy Transition Plan in the General State Administration in the Territory
Programme First Professional Experience in public administrations
Programme First Professional Experience in public administrations
Policy and guidelines
Policy and guidelines
Prevention, detection and correction of fraud
Prevention, detection and correction of fraud