Call 2022 for local entities that have not submitted projects for the maximum amount allocated by the Order TER/1204/2021

As in 2021, in this second call 2022 the allocation of funds to EELL have been implemented through a call for subsidies (non-competitive) that managed in close collaboration with the ministry of economic and Digital Transformation because of its material scope, aims at the modernization and transformation digital, within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience (PRTR). In this regard, the call for a total amount of €3.336.235,08, has written to the councils of municipalities with populations of more than 50,000 inhabitants, as well as on population, which are considered as a provincial capital, which have not submitted projects for the maximum amount allocated by the order TER/1204/2021, of 3 november, as provided in the same. In its design was the criterion of EELL, transferred through the spanish federation of municipalities and provinces and of the national commission for Local Administration