Variations in the register of local

Last updated on 1 january 2024.

Variations in:Municipalities,Commonwealths,Other EELL


Variations from 1 july 2023

New municipalities

By decision of 28 december 2023 we shall now proceed to the registration of Local Entities in the municipality of Usansolo (Bizkaia) with the number 01489161.


There have been variations in this instance.

Change of title

By decision of 23 august 2023 any changes in the register of local registration of the municipality of Candín (León), to register as a protected designation of The Valle de Ancares.

Change of capital or renamed

By decision of 23 august 2023 any changes in the register of local registration of the municipality of municipality of Candín (León), in its official status, to register as a protected designation of This Valley de Ancares.


Variations from 1 july 2023


By resolution of 17 july 2023 we shall now proceed to the registration of local bodies of the commonwealth of social services Font de la Figuera, Montesa and camping area (València/Valencia) with the number 0546034.

By resolution of 17 july 2023 we shall now proceed to the registration of local bodies of the commonwealth of tourism services in the north-west (Murcia) with the number 0530013.

By resolution of 30 november 2023 we shall now proceed to the registration of Local Entities of the mancomunitat de la Plana Baixa (Castelló/Castellón) with the number 0512016.


By resolution of 12 september 2023 we shall now proceed to the cancellation in the register of local Land of the Commonwealth of the knights and Tablas de Daimiel (Ciudad Real) with number 0513014.

By resolution of 14 september 2023 we shall now proceed to the cancellation in the register of local bodies of the commonwealth The Gavarresa (Barcelona) with number 0508040.

By resolution of 22 september 2023 we shall now proceed to the cancellation in the registration of local bodies of the services In Marchor April Anoia de Ponent (Barcelona) with number 0508050.

By resolution of 22 september 2023 we shall now proceed to the cancellation in the register of local Marchor April of the municipalities in Palafrugell, Begur, Pals, Regencós and Torrent (Girona) with number 0517009.

By resolution of 16 october 2023 we shall now proceed to the cancellation in the register of local West of the commonwealth (principality of Asturias) with registration number 0533014.

Incorporation and separation of municipalities

By resolution of 29 september 2023 we shall now proceed to the change in the register of local data Alt Maestrat Mancomunitat Notice Board (Castelló/Castellón), to disclose: Municipalities partners: they adjoin the municipalities of the Serratella and Catí.

By resolution of 11 october 2023 we shall now proceed to the change in the register of local data Intermunicipal Mancomunidade two Vouchers do Ulla e Umia (Pontevedra), to disclose: Municipalities partners: The municipalities of doors and Pontecesures.

By resolution of 19 october 2023 we shall now proceed to the change in the register of local organisations of the data of the commonwealth "Nuestra señora de Hornuez" (Segovia), to disclose: Municipalities partners: Joins Maderuelo municipality.

By resolution of 14 november 2023 we shall now proceed to the change in the register of local organisations of the data of the commonwealth for drinking water supply to the region of Garrigas (Lleida), to disclose: Separates the municipality of La Acebeda, and bind municipalities: The Berrueco, Berzosa the Lozoya, Cabanillas de la Sierra, Canencia, throat, forestry, Montejo de la Sierra, Navalafuente, Pradena del rincón, bridges, Robregordo, horcajuelo, Norte, Torrelaguna, Torremocha of Jarama and Valdemanco.

By resolution of 29 november 2023 we shall now proceed to the change in the register of local organisations of the data of the commonwealth for drinking water supply to the region of Garrigas (Lleida), to disclose: Municipalities partners: separates the municipality of Maials and joins the Senan municipality.


By resolution of 10 july 2023 we shall now proceed to the change in the register of local data from the commonwealth of municipalities of Costa del Sol (Málaga), to disclose: Purposes: are registered at article 13 of its statutes.

By resolution of 10 july 2023 we shall now proceed to the change in the register of local data Intermunicipal Mancomunitat Notice Board Voluntària “ La Plana ” (Barcelona), to disclose: Purposes: are registered at article 5 of its statutes.

By resolution of 12 september 2023 we shall now proceed to the change in the register of local data from the Commonwealth of Granadilla Trasierra-Tierras Integral (Caceres), to disclose: Purposes: are registered at article 2 of its statutes.

By resolution of 29 september 2023 we shall now proceed to the change in the register of local data from the Mancomunitat notice board Vall de Gallinera i l ’ Atzúbia-forna (Alacant/Alicante), to disclose::: are registered at article 3 of its statutes.

By resolution of 5 october 2023 we shall now proceed to the change in the register of local organisations of the data of the commonwealth of social services as a basis of the municipalities of the area of Carcastillo (Navarra), to disclose: Purposes: are registered that provided in article 4 of its statutes.

By resolution of 10 october 2023 we shall now proceed to the change in the register of local organisations of the data of the commonwealth River Mijares (Castelló/Castellón), to disclose: Purposes: are registered at article 3 of its statutes.

By resolution of 26 october 2023 we shall now proceed to the change in the register of local data from the pooling of General Interest of leon and Urban Alfoz (León), to disclose: Purposes: are registered that provided in article 4 of its statutes.

By resolution of 30 november 2023 we shall now proceed to the change in the register of local organisations of the data of the commonwealth of social services Sierra Norte (Madrid), to disclose: Purposes: are registered at article 3 of its statutes.

Other changes

By resolution of 10 july 2023 we shall now proceed to the change in the register of local data from the commonwealth of municipalities of Costa del Sol (Málaga), to disclose: Organs of government: changes the Executive Committee by the Mayors.

By resolution of 29 september 2023 we shall now proceed to the change in the register of local data from the Mancomunitat notice board Vall de Gallinera i l ’ Atzúbia-forna (Alacant/Alicante), to disclose: Organs of government: it adds the board of Local government.

By resolution of 5 october 2023 we shall now proceed to the change in the register of local organisations of the data of the commonwealth of social services as a basis of the municipalities of the area of Carcastillo (Navarra), to disclose: Name: the greater metropolitan area of Social Services as a basis of the municipalities of Carcastillo Area called Commonwealth "Based social services;" Organs of government: are replaced local committees and the board of Area by the General assembly.

By resolution of 29 november 2023 we shall now proceed to the change in the register of local organisations of the data of the commonwealth for drinking water supply to the region of Garrigas (Lleida), to disclose: Name: the commonwealth for drinking water supply to the region of Garrigas called "Commonwealth for supply of drinking water to the comarca de Les Garrigues"; Organs of government: should be replaced by the General Assembly, it is created Committee on contributions.

By resolution of 30 november 2023 we shall now proceed to the change in the register of local organisations of the data of the commonwealth of social services Sierra Norte (Madrid), to disclose: Name: the greater metropolitan area of Social Services Sierra Norte is renamed the “ Commonwealth Sierra Norte of Services ”. Official Status: passes of Lozoyuela-Navas-Sieteiglesias to be Joining the Lozoya.


Variations from 1 july 2023


There have been variations in this case


There have been variations in this case


There have been variations in this case

Change of title

There have been variations in this case