Territorial Policy
- Territorial Policy
- Territorial policy (auntonomous communities)
- Autonomy statutes
- Transfer of functions and services
- Transfer royal decrees
- Operating rules of the Joint Committees of transfers
- General information and statistics of transfers: Transfer approved and full of joint commissions of transfers by State legislatures
- Basic data on transfers in the XV state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XIV state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XIII state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XII state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XI state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the state legislature X
- Basic data on transfers in the ninth state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in region VIII state legislature

TheAutonomy statute of Cataloniaincludes in its articles various bodies for the promotion of bilateral relations between the State and the Generalitat of Catalonia: the Generalitat-State Bilateral Commission (article 183), the Joint State-Generalitat Commission on Economic and Fiscal Affairs (article 210) and the Commission on State investments in infrastructures (third additional provision).
According to article 183 of the Statute, The Generalitat-State Bilateral Commission constitutes the general and permanent framework of the relationship between the Governments of the Generalitat and the State for the following purposes:
- The participation and collaboration of the Generalitat in the exercise of state powers that affect the autonomy of Catalonia.
- The exchange of information and the establishment, where appropriate, of mechanisms for collaboration in the respective public policies and matters of common interest.
The functions of the Generalitat-State Bilateral Commission are to deliberate, make proposals and, if appropriate, adopt agreements in the cases established by the Statute and, in general, in relation to the areas covered by the Statute such as:
- Draft laws that affect the distribution of powers between the State and the Generalitat.
- The programming of the general economic policy of the State Government as it affects the interests and competences of the Generalitat.
- The promotion of measures to improve collaboration between the State and the Generalitat.
- The conflicts of competence between the two parties and the proposal, if appropriate, of measures for their resolution.
- Evaluation of the functioning of the collaboration mechanisms established.
- The proposal of the list of economic bodies, financial institutions and public companies of the State in which the Generalitat may appoint representatives, and the modalities and forms of this representation.
- Monitoring of European policy to guarantee the effectiveness of the Generalitat's participation in European Union affairs.
- Monitoring of the State's external action that affects the Generalitat's own competences.
- Issues of common interest established by the Laws or raised by the parties.
The Generalitat-Estado Bilateral Commission is equal, has the rotating presidency and adopts its agreements by consensus of the two parties. In accordance with its Internal Regulations, the following permanent Subcommittees have been created:
- Subcommittee on Regulatory Monitoring, Prevention and Conflict Resolution, to prevent and avoid conflicts of competence between the two administrations.
- Subcommittee on Collaboration and Cooperation, to promote work on the development of the Statute in the area of mutual cooperation.
- Subcommittee on European Affairs and External Action, to articulate the participation of the Generalitat in EU matters and the external action of the State in matters that affect the competences of the Generalitat.
- Infrastructure and Equipment Subcommittee, to prepare the proposal for the Catalonia Infrastructure Plan to be financed by the State and to monitor State investments in Catalonia.
- Subcomisión in the field of Immigration, to analyse the issues of work and residence of foreigners that directly affect Catalonia.
The Generalitat-Estado Bilateral Commission has held 11 meetings to date.