Territorial Policy
- Territorial Policy
- Territorial policy (auntonomous communities)
- Autonomy statutes
- Transfer of functions and services
- Transfer royal decrees
- Operating rules of the Joint Committees of transfers
- General information and statistics of transfers: Transfer approved and full of joint commissions of transfers by State legislatures
- Basic data on transfers in the XV state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XIV state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XIII state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XII state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XI state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the state legislature X
- Basic data on transfers in the ninth state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in region VIII state legislature
Participation of the Autonomous Regions in the Council of Ministers
Participation of the autonomous regions in the council of ministers
The process of participation of the autonomous regions in the council of ministers of the european union is the result of a gradual process that began with the adoption in 1994 of the “ agreement on Internal Participation of the autonomous communities european community affairs through sectoral conferences ”. With this agreement was recognized right wings Autónomasel Communities to participate in the training state intent before the european institutions (the so-called “ up-phase process ”), because until then the autonomous communities Were only in the implementation of community law (i.e. the “ ” tailing the same).
On 9 december 2004, the CARUE adopted the agreement finally opened the autonomous communities lascuatro participation in formations of the council of the european union whose activity relates more significantly internal with its powers, in particular the council of ministers: Employment, Social policy, Health and consumer affairs; Agriculture and fisheries; Environment; and education, Youth and culture. The system of regional representation is carried out through the Spanish delegation of a member, with the status of Hearing, or member of a council of an Autonomous government, representing all communities in matters affecting its powers. The Full of sectorial conferences concerned with the issues designates the regional representative and must ensure both stability (covering each community at least one semester) as the succession of representatives proposed by the different Autonomous communities. The regional representative appointed took the consultation with the General state administration, and undertakes to make available to the other autonomous regions the complete documentation on the subject, to keep them regularly informed about the negotiations, and to reach a common position with the other autonomous regions affected. The regional representative is a full member of the spanish delegation for all purposes, may request the floor when we discuss issues affecting autonomic authorities and there is a common position in the autonomous regions.
The agreement adopted at the CARUE of 9 december 2004 had been amended three times: the first modification occurred at the meeting of the CARUE of 2 july 2009, meeting in the expanded regional participation to a fifth training, the Competitividad-temas of consumption, because although regional participation already existed for topics of consumption since the 2004 agreement, in practice these issues are discussed in the competitiveness council; the second amendment was agreed at the meeting of the CARUE of 15 april 2010, to broaden regional participation to the formation of the competitiveness council, within the working group of establishment and services to items on gambling regulation; finally, the third amendment consensuo at the meeting of the CARUE of 7 february 2011, to broaden regional participation in the formation of the council of education, youth, culture and sport in relation to issues of Sport. These modificacionesfueron B.O.E. published in the 11 august 2011.
To facilitate the process of regional participation in the meeting of the CARUE held on 12 december 2006 agreed a good practices guide that precisael system for transmitting information to the autonomous communities, defines the criteria for the designation of the regional representative in the councils of ministers, and regulates coordination between the autonomous communities and between these and the government of Spain.
Annual Report on Regional Participation in the European Council of Ministers