Territorial Policy
- Territorial Policy
- Territorial policy (auntonomous communities)
- Autonomy statutes
- Transfer of functions and services
- Transfer royal decrees
- Operating rules of the Joint Committees of transfers
- General information and statistics of transfers: Transfer approved and full of joint commissions of transfers by State legislatures
- Basic data on transfers in the XV state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XIV state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XIII state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XII state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XI state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the state legislature X
- Basic data on transfers in the ninth state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in region VIII state legislature
The Basque Country - agendas
1St Meeting: 7 september 2009
- Report on relations of cooperation and collaboration and actions to develop.
- Actions relating to the process of transfer of functions and services to the Autonomous region of the basque country.
- Requests Made and questions.
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2Nd Meeting: 23 november 2010
- Approval of minutes of previous sitting.
- Actions relating to the process of transfer of functions and services to the Autonomous region of the basque country.
- Requests Made and questions.
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3Rd Meeting: 28 october 2024
- Adoption of the agreement of the Bilateral commission for Administration of Cooperation Estado-Comunidad the basque country and by approving the internal regulations on the functioning of the Bilateral commission for Administration of Cooperation Estado-Comunidad the basque country.
- Adoption of the agreement of the Bilateral commission for Administration of Cooperation Estado-Comunidad the basque country and on the chairmanship of the representation in the Bilateral commission for Administration of Cooperation Estado-Comunidad the basque country.
- Adoption of the agreement of the Bilateral commission for Administration of Cooperation Estado-Comunidad the basque country and on the establishment of the sub-commission on Institutional Coordination and momentum.
- Adoption of the agreement of the Bilateral commission for Administration of Cooperation Estado-Comunidad the basque country and on the establishment of the working group for follow-up policy, prevention and resolution of conflicts.
- Requests Made and questions.
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4Th Meeting: 27 november 2024
- Adoption of the record of the 3.ª meeting, on 28 october 2024.
- Agreement on the proposals of a transfer of functions and services of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the area of management and coastal management and cinematographic and audiovisual activity.
- Agreement on holding the next meeting of the mixed commission.
- Agreement on the timing of a transfer of functions and services of state administration to the Autonomous region of the basque country.
- Analysis of other matters: management of migration, promoted the creation of the european Atlantic Macro and impetus to the statement of the basque language as an official language of the european Union on the part of the european council.
- Requests Made and questions.
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5Th Meeting: 6 march 2025
- Agreement of the transfer of functions and services of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the area of enforcement of labour law in the initial State authorization of self-employment or employment of foreign persons whose employment relationship may be developed in the basque country, which will be realized in the next meeting of the mixed commission.
- Agreement for the delimitation of competences and cooperative relations between the General state administration and the autonomous community of the basque country in the area of meteorology and climatology, which will be realized in the next meeting of the mixed commission.
- Agreement of the free transfer to the autonomous community of the basque country ownership of the old building “ Villa Etxaide Borda ” in Donostia-San Sebastián.
- Agreement on holding the next meeting of the mixed commission.
- Requests Made and questions.
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