Territorial Policy
- Territorial Policy
- Territorial policy (auntonomous communities)
- Autonomy statutes
- Transfer of functions and services
- Transfer royal decrees
- Operating rules of the Joint Committees of transfers
- General information and statistics of transfers: Transfer approved and full of joint commissions of transfers by State legislatures
- Basic data on transfers in the XV state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XIV state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XIII state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XII state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XI state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the state legislature X
- Basic data on transfers in the ninth state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in region VIII state legislature
Comercio electrónico
Peticiones de intervención
Solicitar a otro país que adopte medidas específicas contra un prestador de servicios online (por ejemplo, cuando en su web no respete los requisitos generales de información).
Notificar medidas que se vayan a adoptar contra los prestadores de servicios online establecidos en otro país.
Bases jurídicas
Directiva 2000/31/EC