Territorial Policy
- Territorial Policy
- Territorial policy (auntonomous communities)
- Autonomy statutes
- Transfer of functions and services
- Transfer royal decrees
- Operating rules of the Joint Committees of transfers
- General information and statistics of transfers: Transfer approved and full of joint commissions of transfers by State legislatures
- Basic data on transfers in the XV state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XIV state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XIII state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XII state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the XI state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in the state legislature X
- Basic data on transfers in the ninth state legislature
- Basic data on transfers in region VIII state legislature
European Social Fund (ESF)
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Information on the calls for funding controlled by the General directorate of Local and Regional Cooperation, as the Intermediary of the authority of management, financed with european funds destined for local entities in spain.

El Ministerio de Política Territorial y Memoria Democrática, a través de la Subdirección General de Cooperación Local, participa en la gestión de las ayudas para el desarrollo local integrado, dentro del Objetivo Específico 5.1 del Programa Plurirregional de España FEDER, periodo 2021-2027.
En esta página encontrará diversa información acerca de estas ayudas.
Regulation of 2021-2027 period
Realidades paralelas, integrated local development
Commitments in the fight against fraud
Communication, visibility and other actions
- Unit manager of The European Social Fund (UAFSE)-Authority of certification and Management of operational programmes of the esf.
- General Intervention of state administration (IGAE)- Audit Authority of the operational programmes of the esf.