País Vasco
- Royal Decree 1981/1978of 15 july, on the transfer of powers of state administration to the General council of the basque country in the field ofagriculture, industry, commerce and tourism(B.O.E. 21-08-1978)
- Royal Decree 2488/1978of 25 august, on the transfer of powers of state administration to the General council of the basque country in the field ofThe Interior, tourism, Pieces, unhealthy, harmful, hazardous and transportation(B.O.E. 26-10-1978).
- Royal Decree 2209/1979of 7 september, on transfer of powers of state administration to the General council of the basque country in the field ofAgriculture, health and labour(B.O.E. 21-09-1979)
- Royal Decree 2362/1980of 4 november, on the transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofmediation, arbitration and conciliation(B.O.E. 06-11-1980)
- Royal Decree 2581/1980of 21 november, on transfer of competencies and services of the state to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofmanagement and planning and(B.O.E. 04-12-1980)
- Royal Decree 2596/1980of 26 september, on transfer ofModern Industrial Research "L. José de Torróntegui"the autonomous community of the basque country (B.O.E. 06-12-1980)
- Royal Decree 271/1980of 26 september, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofagricultural extension and training(B.O.E. 19-12-1980)
- Royal Decree 2751/1980of 26 september, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofDesignations of origin(B.O.E. 22-12-1980)
- Royal Decree 2752/1980of 26 september, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofPlant Health(B.O.E. 22-12-1980)
- Royal Decree 2756/1980of 26 september, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofAgricultural research(B.O.E. 23-12-1980 # Bugfixes B.O.E. 07-03-1981)
- Royal Decree 2761/1980of 26 september, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofconservation of nature(B.O.E. 24-12-1980 # Bugfixes B.O.E. 04-09-1981)
- Royal Decree 3/1980of 26 september, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofHealth, services and social assistance(B.O.E. 27-12-1980)
- Royal Decree 2769/1980of 26 september, on transfer of competencies and services of the state to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofroads(B.O.E. 27-12-1980 # Bugfixes B.O.E. 16-04-1981)
- Royal Decree 2808/1980of 26 september, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofeducation(B.O.E. 31-12-1980 # B.O.E. 08-01-1981 # B.O.E. 09-01-1981 # B.O.E. 18-07-1981 # Corrección de errores B.O.E. 23-09-1981 # B.O.E. 11-09-1982)
- Royal Decree 2867/1980of 26 september, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofinternal fairs, reform of business structures and market discipline(B.O.E. 10-01-1981)
- Royal Decree 3069/1980of 26 september, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofCultural foundations and associations, book and libraries, Film, music and drama, youth and advocacy, Social And Cultural Heritage and Sports Histórico-artístico(B.O.E. 05-02-1981 # Bugfixes B.O.E. 25-09-1981)
- Royal Decree 3195/1980of 30 december, which completes the transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofeducation(B.O.E. 15-04-1981 # B.O.E. 18-07-1981 # Corrección de errores B.O.E. 26-09-1981 # B.O.E. 11-03-1982 # Corrección de errores B.O.E. 11-09-1982)
- Royal Decree 3196/1980of 26 september, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofAgricultural chambers(B.O.E. 21-04-1981)
- Royal Decree 1254/1981of 8 may, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofagrarian reform and development(B.O.E. 25-06-1981)
- Royal Decree 1255/1981of 8 may, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of basque Countrythe area of industry, energy and mines(B.O.E. 25-06-1981 # B.O.E. 26-06-1981 # Bugfixes B.O.E. 18-12-1981)
- Royal Decree 1260/1981of 8 may, on the transfer of state authority to the autonomous community of the basque country in connection with thepower on punishment of the administration in the field of labour legislation(B.O.E. 26-06-1981)
- Royal Decree 1261/1981of 8 may, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field oflivestock development(B.O.E. 26-06-1981)
- Royal Decree 1412/1981of 19 june, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofinland fisheries, aquaculture and shellfish-gathering(B.O.E. 16-07-1981)
- Royal Decree 1423/1981of 3 july, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofviticulture and oenology(B.O.E. 17-07-1981)
- Royal Decree 1446/1981of 19 june, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofland(B.O.E. 18-07-1981)
- Royal Decree 1998/1981of 24 july, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofconsumers and chambers of commerce, industry and navigation(B.O.E. 09-09-1981)
- Royal Decree 2009/1981of 24 july, on the transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofcooperative training(B.O.E. 10-09-1981)
- Royal Decree 2022/1981of 24 july, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofcrop(B.O.E. 11-09-1981)
- Royal Decree 2030/1981of 24 july, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofanimal production and animal health(B.O.E. 12-09-1981 # Bugfixes B.O.E. 21-11-1981)
- Royal Decree 2038/1981of 24 july, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofagricultural marketing(B.O.E. 14-09-1981)
- Royal Decree 2177/1981of 20 august, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofFishermen's associations(B.O.E. 25-09-1981)
- Royal Decree 2241/1981of 3 august, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofoceanographic research(B.O.E. 07-10-1981)
- Royal Decree 2698/1981of 30 october, on the transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofSocial institute of free time(B.O.E. 19-11-1981)
- Royal Decree 3006/1981of 27 november, on the transfer of services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofthe architectural heritage, construction and housing(B.O.E. 21-12-1981)
- Royal Decree 3300/1981of 18 december on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofInternal trade (formats, prices and maximum weights of the nap and maximum business margins of the sale of meat to detail), Official Schools of Commercial Agents and Fair Elections(B.O.E. 13-01-1982)
- Royal Decree 3391/1981of 29 december, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field oflessons náutico-pesqueras(B.O.E. 28-01-1982)
- Royal Decree 3502/1981of 29 december, on the transfer of the state to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofdevelopment and implementation of industrial diversification plans(B.O.E. 15-02-1982)
- Royal Decree 2380/1982of 14 may, on the transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofPorts(B.O.E. 24-09-1982)
- Royal Decree 2413/1982of 27 august, of transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofManagement of Fisheries Sector(B.O.E. 28-09-1982)
- Royal Decree 3177/1982of 15 october, on transfer of functions and services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofTransformative Agrarian Societies(B.O.E. 26-11-1982)
- Royal Decree 153/1982of 15 october, on transfer of functions and services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofNon-integrated mutual Social security(B.O.E. 29-11-1982)
- Royal Decree 3256/1982of 15 october, on transfer of functions and services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field oftrafficking and circulation of vehicles(B.O.E. 30-11-1982)
- Royal Decree 3257/1982of 15 october, on transfer of functions and services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofcasino(B.O.E. 30-11-1982)
- Royal Decree 3140/1983on 2 november, amending royal decree 153/1982 of 15 october, on transfer of functions and services of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofNon-integrated mutual Social security(B.O.E. 24-12-1983)
- Royal Decree 3461/1983of 28 december, which extends the relation of immovable property transferred to the autonomous community of the basque country, in accordance with the royal decree 3069/1980, of 26 september(Culture)(B.O.E. 15-02-1984)
- Royal Decree 788/1985of 19 april, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofagro-industries(B.O.E. 31-05-1985)
- Royal Decree 789/1985of 19 april, on transfer of the state to the autonomous community of the basque countrysupport units of the services transferred in agricultural matters(B.O.E. 31-05-1985)
- Royal Decree 790/1985of 19 april, on transfer to the autonomous community of basque Countryhealth personnel in the service of the supreme council for sports(B.O.E. 31-05-1985)
- Royal Decree 791/1985of 19 april, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofstudies of spatial planning and environment(B.O.E. 31-05-1985)
- Royal Decree 792/1985of 19 april, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofenvironment(B.O.E. 31-05-1985)
- Royal Decree 793/1985of 19 april, on transfer of state services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofChambers of urban property(B.O.E. 31-05-1985)
- Royal Decree 812/1985of 8 may, on transfer of administrative services of the state to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofredundancy management(B.O.E. 04-06-1985)
- Royal Decree 815/1985of 8 may, on transfer of administrative services of the state to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofprotection of minors(B.O.E. 05-06-1985)
- Royal Decree 155/1985of 8 may, on transfer of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofprotection of women(B.O.E. 06-06-1985)
- Royal Decree 839/1985of 8 may, on transfer of administrative services of the state to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofseeds and seedlings plants(B.O.E. 07-06-1985 # Bugfixes B.O.E. 05-02-1986)
- Royal Decree 840/1985of 8 may, on transfer of administrative services of the state to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofeducational foundations(B.O.E. 07-06-1985)
- Royal Decree 874/1985of 8 may, on transfer of administrative services of the state to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofrural housing(B.O.E. 14-06-1985)
- Royal Decree 1014/1985of 25 may, on transfer of functions and services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofUniversities(B.O.E. 29-06-1985)
- Royal Decree 2557/1985of 18 december, of transfer of administrative services of the State to the basque country in the field ofHealth and safety at work(B.O.E. 09-01-1986 # Bugfixes B.O.E. 14-08-1986)
- Royal Decree 2585/1985, de 18 de diciembre, de traspasos al País Vasco en materia deshow(B.O.E. 11-01-1986 # Bugfixes B.O.E. 01-07-1986)
- Royal Decree 2590/1985, de 18 de diciembre, de traspasos al País Vasco en materia dePartnerships(B.O.E. 13-01-1986 # Bugfixes B.O.E. 25-06-1986)
- Royal Decree 2628/1985of 18 december, expanding the transfers made by the state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country, by royal decree 3006/1981, of 27 november, onservices of construction quality control(B.O.E. 18-01-1986)
- Royal Decree 2629/1985of 18 december, of transfer of administrative services of the state to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofProfessional Associations attached to the ministry of public works and urban development(B.O.E. 18-01-1986)
- Royal Decree 2678/1985of 18 december, expanding the services transferred to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofnon-university educationconsisting of theSchool of Industrial Technical Engineering toulouse(B.O.E. 05-02-1986)
- Royal Decree 2679/1985of 18 december on expansion of services(Centres of Regulated Vocational Training)transferred to the basque country by Royal Decrees 2808 and 3195 of 26 september and 30 december 1980,non-university education(B.O.E. 05-02-1986)
- Royal Decree 2694/1985of 18 december on expansion of services transferred to the basque country by the royal decrees 2808/1980, of 26 september and 3195/1980, of 30 december, in the field ofNon-university education (institutes of educational and vocational Guidance)(B.O.E. 11-02-1986)
- Royal Decree 213/1987of 6 february, on enlargement of the functions and resources transferred to the basque country by royal decree 1255/1981, 8 may, in the field ofindustry, energy and mines(B.O.E. 17-02-1987)
- Royal Decree 274/1987of 13 february, for the issuance of personal and property means allocated to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofhealth(B.O.E. 27-02-1987)
- Royal Decree 325/1987of 6 february, by expanding the property, rights and obligations allocated to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofthe architectural heritage, construction and housing(B.O.E. 06-03-1987)
- Royal Decree 1282/1987of 2 october, which extends the relation of immovable property transferred to the autonomous community of the basque country, in accordance with the royal decree 3069/1980, of 26 september(Culture)(B.O.E. 17-10-1987)
- Royal Decree 1476/1987on 2 october, on transfer to the autonomous community of the basque country, functions and servicesInstituto Nacional de Servicios Sociales (INSERSO)(B.O.E. 03-12-1987)
- Royal Decree 1536/1987of 6 november, on transfer to the autonomous community of the basque country of the functions and servicesNational institute of health (NATIONAL HEALTH INSTITUTE)(B.O.E. 15-12-1987)
- Royal Decree 1684/1987of 6 november, on the transfer of responsibilities of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofprovision of material and financial means for the functioning of the administration of justice(B.O.E. 31-12-1987)
- Royal Decree 1544/1994of 8 july, on the transfer of responsibilities of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field oflessons and subacuático-deportivas náutico-deportivas(B.O.E. 22-07-1994)
- Royal Decree 1545/1994of 8 july, on the transfer of responsibilities of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofqualification and registration of public administrative labour(B.O.E. 22-07-1994 # Bugfixes B.O.E. 02-08-1994)
- Royal Decree 1546/1994of 8 july, on the transfer of responsibilities of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field oflessons senior civilian marine(B.O.E. 22-07-1994)
- Royal Decree 1547/1994of 8 july, on the transfer of responsibilities of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofofficial or professional schools(B.O.E. 22-07-1994)
- Royal Decree 1548/1994of 8 july, on the transfer of responsibilities of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofpublic service of cargo in ports and desestiba not classified as of general interest(B.O.E. 22-07-1994)
- Royal Decree 1549/1994of 8 july, on the transfer of responsibilities of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofradioactive facilities of second and third categories(B.O.E. 22-07-1994)
- Royal Decree 1550/1994of 8 july, on the transfer of responsibilities of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofbroadcasting(B.O.E. 22-07-1994)
- Royal Decree 1551/1994of 8 july, on the transfer of responsibilities of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofan effective and hydraulic resources(B.O.E. 22-07-1994 # Bugfixes B.O.E. 02-08-1994)
- Royal Decree 2231/1994of 18 november, on transfer of functions and services of state administration to the basque country in the field ofdefence against fraud and quality food(B.O.E. 10-12-1994 # Bugfixes B.O.E. 18-01-1995)
- Royal Decree 410/1996on 1 march, which extends the range of services transferred to the autonomous community of the basque country by royal decree 1684/1987, of 6 november, in the field ofprovision of material and financial means for the functioning of the administration of justice. (B.O.E. 11-04-1996)
- Royal Decree 512/1996of 15 march, on enlargement of the media services transferred to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofagriculture, spanish fund Agrarian Guarantee (FEGA).(B.O.E. 11-04-1996)
- Royal Decree 514/1996of 15 march, on transfer of functions and services of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofpersonal means the service of the administration of justice. (B.O.E. 12-04-1996)
- Royal Decree 1946/1996of 23 august, on transfer to the autonomous community of the basque country of the functions and servicesSocial security in the field of health care allocated to the “ Instituto Social de la Marina (ISM).(B.O.E. 31-08-1996 # Bugfixes B.O.E. 06-09-1996)
- Royal Decree 1947/1996of 23 august, on the transfer of responsibilities of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofenvironment and spills. (B.O.E. 31-08-1996)
- Royal Decree 1948/1996of 23 august, on expansion of services for the administration of the state allocated to the autonomous community of the basque country by royal decree 2808/1980, of 26 september, in the field ofeducation. (B.O.E. 31-08-1996)
- Royal Decree 558/1998of 2 april, on transfer to the autonomous community of the basque country of the functions and services of Social security in the field ofasistencia y servicios sociales encomendada al Instituto Social de la Marina (I.S.M.)(B.O.E. 07-05-1998)
- Royal Decree 559/1998of 2 april, on transfer of functions and services of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofinsurance mediators. (B.O.E. 07-05-1998)
- Royal Decree 1837/1999of 3 december, on transfer of administrative services of the state to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofroads. (B.O.E. 29-12-1999)
- Royal Decree 2/2009of 9 january, on the enlargement of the property services transferred to the autonomous community of the basque country by royal decree 1684/1987, of 6 november, in the field ofprovision of material and financial means for the functioning of the administration of justice(B.O.E. 19-01-2009)
- Royal Decree 3/2009of 9 january, on the transfer of responsibilities of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofresearch and scientific and technological development, and innovation(B.O.E. 19-01-2009)
- Royal Decree 1441/2010of 5 november, on transfer of functions and services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofimplementation of the labour legislation in the area of labour, employment and vocational training for employment, which makes the public employment service State(B.O.E. 16-11-2010)
- Royal Decree 1442/2010of 5 november, on transfer to the autonomous community of the basque country of the functions and servicesInstituto Social de la Marina, education, employment and training for employment(B.O.E 16-11-2010)
- Royal Decree 891/2011of 24 june, on expansion of resources attached to the administration, passed on to the autonomous community of the basque country, by the royal decrees 2808/1980 and 3195/1980, of 26 september and 30 december, in the field of non-university education (teachers in correctional institutions) (B.O.E. 30-06-2011)
- Royal Decree 892/2011of 24 june, on expansion of resources attached to the administration transferred to the autonomous community of the basque country by the royal decrees 2808/1980 and 3195/1980, of 26 september and 30 december, in the field of non-university education (teachers of religion) (B.O.E. 30-06-2011)
- Royal Decree 893/2011of 24 june, on expansion of functions and services transferred to the autonomous community of the basque country by royal decree 2808/1980, of 26 september, in the field of education (recognition and equivalence of diplomas and studies foreigners in non-university education) (B.O.E. 30-06-2011)
- Royal Decree 894/2011of 24 june, on transfer of functions and services of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofprison health(B.O.E. 30-06-2011)
- Royal Decree 895/2011of 24 june, on transfer of functions and services to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofInspector of Public Service labour inspection and Social security(B.O.E. 30-06-2011)
- Royal Decree 896/2011of 24 june, on expansion of services for the General state administration transferred to the autonomous community of the basque country by royal decree 3069/1980, of 28 september, in the field ofimplementation of the law on intellectual property rights(B.O.E. 30-06-2011)
- Royal Decree 897/2011of 24 june, on enlargement of the functions and services of the General state administration transferred to the autonomous community of the basque country by royal decree 3069/1980, of 28 september, in the field ofmanagement of state-owned files(B.O.E. 30-06-2011)
- Royal Decree 898/2011of 24 june, on enlargement of the functions and services transferred by the Royal Decree 3391/1981, of 29 december, in the field oflessons náutico-pesquerasand by the Royal Decree 1544/1994, of 8 july, in the field oflessons and subacuático-deportivas náutico-deportivasas well as transfer of functions and servicesprofessional divingthe Autonomous Community of the basque country (B.O.E. 30-06-2011)
- Royal Decree 899/2011of 24 june, on enlargement of the functions and services of state administration transferred to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofredundancy management(B.O.E. 30-06-2011)
- Royal Decree 900/2011of 24 june, on transfer of functions and services of the General state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofmaritime transport(B.O.E. 30-06-2011)
- Royal Decree 1711/2011of 18 november, on transfer of functions and services of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field oftourism(B.O.E. 25-11-2011)
- Royal Decree 1712/2011of 18 november, of modification of property and personal means seconded to the functions and services transferred by the state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofPublic Service Inspector of labour inspection and Social Securityl, por el Real Decreto 895/2011, de 24 de junio (B.O.E. 25-11-2011)
- Royal Decree 1414/2018of 3 december, expansion of functions and services of state administration transferred to the autonomous community of the basque country by royal decree 2769/1980, of 26 september, in the field ofroads(B.O.E. 05-12-2018)
- Royal Decree 1434/2018of 7 december, of transfer to the autonomous community of the basque country of the functions and services of the administration of the staterailways and rail transporten relación con las líneas ferroviarias Basurto Hospital-Ariz e Irauregi-Lutxana-Barakaldo (B.O.E. 14-12-2018)
- Royal Decree 314/2019of 26 april, expansion of functions and services of state administration transferred to the autonomous community of the basque country by royal decree 2769/1980, of 26 september, in the field ofroads(B.O.E. 06-05-2019)
Royal Decree no. 665/2020of 14 july, of transfer of functions and services of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in enforcement of labour legislation:aid prior to the ordinary retirement workers affected by collective redundancies files(B.O.E. 15-07-2020)
Royal Decree 666/2020of 14 july, of transfer of functions and services of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the area of implementation of the state legislation coveringpharmaceutical products(B.O.E. 15-07-2020)
Royal Decree 667/2020of 14 july, of transfer to the autonomous community of the basque country means attached to themanagementhealth insurance benefits of school(B.O.E. 15-07-2020)
- Royal Decree 473/2021of 29 june, of enlargement of the property means attached to the administration transferred to the autonomous community of the basque country by royal decree 2380/1982, of 14 may, in the field ofports. (B.O.E. 07-07-2021)
- Royal Decree 474/2021of 29 june, of transfer of functions and services of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country onimplementation of thelaw of the state in relation to prison(B.O.E. 07-07-2021)
- Royal Decree 475/2021of 29 june, of transfer to the autonomous community of the basque country of the functions and services of the administration of this state relating toallocation of ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) (B.O.E. 07-07-2021)
- Royal Decree 476/2021of 29 june, of transfer to the basque country and the media, budgetary and personal property belonging to the exercise of certain powers envisaged by the organic law 5/1987, of 30 july, in connection with theroad transport(B.O.E. 07-07-2021)
- Real Decreto 366/2024of 9 april, expansion of functions and services transferred to the autonomous community of the basque country by royal decree 2808/1980, of 26 september, in the field ofeducation(recognition and statement of equivalence of qualifications gained in the framework of foreign higher education)(B.O.E. 19-04-2024)
- Royal Decree 367/2024of 9 april, expansion of the state allocated to the autonomous community of the basque country by royal decree 3/1980, of 26 september, in the field ofHealth, services and welfare (phase of autonomy of the international protection system)(B.O.E. 19-04-2024)
- Royal Decree 368/2024of 9 april, of transfer to the autonomous community of the basque country of the functions of state administration for thepassenger transport services by rail) connections(B.O.E. 19-04-2024)
- Royal Decree 1309/2024 of 23 december, expansion of functions of state administration handed over to the autonomous community of the basque country by royal decree 3069/1980, of 26 september, in the field ofCultural foundations and associations, book and libraries, Film, music and drama, youth and advocacy, Social And Cultural Heritage and Sports Histórico-artístico(B.O.E. 30-12-2024)
- Royal Decree 1310/2024,of 23 december, of transfer of functions and services of state administration to the autonomous community of the basque country in the field ofmanagement and coastal management(B.O.E. 30-12-2024)