Conference of presidents

Since its inception in 2004, the conference of presidents has held27meetings, with the following commands:

I Conference of presidents. 28 october 2004

I Conference of presidents. 28 october 2004
  • Institutionalization of the conference
  • Development of NATIONAL participation in the European Community
  • Analysis of the financing of healthcare.

II Conference of presidents. 10 september 2005

II Conference of presidents. 10 september 2005

Third Conference of presidents. 11 january 2007

Third Conference of presidents. 11 january 2007
  • Research, technological development and innovation (r + D + i): adopting aJoint document.
  • Agreement on the establishment of sectoral conferences of water and immigration policy.
  • Establishment of a working group for the development of the rules of procedure of the conference of presidents.

IV Conference of presidents., 14 december 2009

IV Conference of presidents., 14 december 2009
  • Adoption of theThe rules of procedure of the conference of presidents(REPEALED)
  • Spanish Presidency of the council of the european Union, by 2010, to support the priorities fixed by the chair.Statement.
  • Gender-based violence and need to promote the instruments to combat it.Statement.
  • General Debate on employment, sustainable economy, and agriculture, livestock, fisheries and Water Policy.

V Conference of presidents. 2 october 2012

V Conference of presidents. 2 october 2012

VI Conference of presidents. 17 january 2017

Conference of presidents 2017


- Conference of presidents. 15 march 2020

- VIII Conference of presidents. 22 march 2020

- IX Conference of presidents. 29 march 2020

- X Conference of presidents. 5 april 2020

- Eleventh Conference of presidents. 12 april 2020

- XII Conference of presidents. 19 april 2020

- XIII Conference of presidents. 26 april 2020

- XIV Conference of presidents. 3 may 2020

- XV Conference of presidents. 10 may 2020

- 16Th Conference of presidents. 17 may 2020

- Iv Conference of presidents. 24 may 2020

- XVIII Conference of presidents. 31 may 2020

- XIX Conference of presidents. 7 june 2020

- XX Conference of presidents. 14 june 2020

XXI conference of presidents on enterprise 2020

XXII Conference of presidents. 4 september 2020

XXIII Conference of presidents. 26 october 2020

XXIV Conference of presidents. 30 july 2021

XXV Conference of presidents. 22 december 2021

XXVII Conferencia de Presidentes. 13 de diciembre de 2024

>  Nota de prensa. Presidencia del Gobierno