
Provisions in the language.

Article 6

1. The language of the valencia region is the valencian.

2. The valencian language is the officer in the valencia region, as is the spanish, which is the official state language. Everyone has the right to know them and to use the form and to receive instruction in, and language.

3. The Government will ensure the normal use and of the two official languages, and will take the necessary steps to ensure their knowledge.

4. No one may be discriminated against on grounds of their mother.

5. Will be given special protection and respect for the recovery of the valencian.

6. The law shall establish criteria for the implementation of the language itself in the administration and education.

7. These will be delimited by law the territories in whether the use of a and another language, as well as that may be excepted from the teaching and use the languages of the valencia region.

8. L Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua is the institution of the valencian language policy.

Article 25

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5. The laws of the Generalitat will be promulgated, on behalf of the king, by its President and published, in the two official languages in "Diario Oficial de la Generalitat" within fifteen days after its adoption, and in the "Sg". For its entry into force shall govern the date of publication in "Diario Oficial de la Generalitat".

Article 29

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4. All rules, regulations and acts emanating from the Consell, which, by its nature, it will be issued at the "Diario Oficial de la Generalitat" in the two official languages. In connection with the publication in the "Sg", will be provided in the state standard.

Article 35

1. At the request of the Generalitat, the competent body shall convene competitions for vacant posts of judges, judges, clerks and other personnel in the service of the administration of justice, in conformity with the provisions of the Judiciary act. This resolution will take into account its specialisation in the valencian autonomous Civil law and the valencian language.

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Article 41. L Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua.

L Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua, an institution of the Generalitat of public character, is mandated to identify and develop, in his case, the linguistic legislation in the valencian language.

The language of the Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua shall be binding in all public administrations de la Comunitat Valenciana.

In terms of procedure of the appointment of its members, functions, powers, the statute and term of office, we will have to comply with the law of Les Corts.