Draft royal decree creates and regulates the official languages and the office for the official languages

Publishing date: 27/09/2024

Closing date:11/10/2024

In accordance with article 133 of law 39/2015, of 1 october, of Common Administrative Procedure of the public administrations and article 26.2 of the 50/1997, of 27 november, the government, the present consultation aims to obtain the views of those potentially affected by the future regulation and most representative organizations, the following areas:

Background of the standard

The spanish constitution of the official languages of the autonomous communities that declare in their respective statutes of autonomy. These languages are official in their respective territories, together with the spanish, which is across the state. The cooficialidad of these languages linked, therefore, all public authorities in the territory, including the General state administration.

Article 15 of law 39/2015, of 1 october, of Common Administrative Procedure of the public administrations is recognized that citizenship can exercise their language in its relations with public administrations in the various co-official in the respective territories for language-official language.

Furthermore, actions of the public authorities must adapt to the obligations undertaken by Spain in international treaties on this matter, particularly in the european charter for regional or minority languages of the council of europe.

This royal decree repeals and replaces theRoyal Decree 905/2007 of 6 july, which created the official languages on the General state administration and the office for the official languages- a standard regulates so far this body, in the process of establishing the council of the official languages and regulate the office for the official languages.

Problems that can solve

Firstly, alters the composition and part of the functioning of the current council of the official languages in the General state administration to solve various problems identified during its operation. It and giving effect to the agreement adopted by the council, are included as full members, with voice and vote for representatives of the autonomous communities with official languages. Specifically, it is the autonomous communities of Basque Country, catalonia, Galicia, Comunidad Foral de Navarra, Valencia and Illes Balears.

It also incorporates the composition of this body as full members to agencies and institutions with particular relevance in the field of languages.

Secondly, it regulates the office for the official languages within the ministry of Territorial policy and Democratic Memory, to study, promotion, advice, planning and the use of the official languages in the General state administration and its agencies and public entities connected with or dependent.

Necessity and opportunity to its adoption

Adhering to the agreement adopted by the council of the official languages in the General state administration on 26 september 2002.

With the adoption of this royal decree, the General state administration gives fresh impetus to the activity of the council to ensure that citizens can exercise their linguistic rights in the various co-official, most notably in its relations with the administration.

In addition, the office for the official languages will provide advice to the council and constitutes a focal point in the field of language policy between the General state administration and the competent organs of the autonomous communities.

Objectives of the rule

Modify the composition of the current council of the official languages in the General state administration and to expand their roles, creating a new body of participation - the council of the languages Oficiales-, and regulate the office for the official languages.

Possible solutions, alternatives, regulatory and non-regulatory

It had considered that there is no alternative to be more suited than the selected. In this regard, the repeal of the royal decree 905/2007 of 6 july, which created the official languages on the General state administration and the office for the official languages, has carried out through the adoption of a new Royal Decree that define and regulate this body of participation and the office for the official languages, on the proposal of functions of the relevant ministries.

In response to the above, a public consultation period with respect to the possible content of the royal decree.

Duration of the consultation: 15 calendar days. Expires on 11 october 2024.

E-mail where direct observations:oficina.lenguas@correo.gob.es