Draft royal decree regulates the direct for a subvention to the spanish federation of municipalities and provinces for the financing of the operating expenses of their activity

Publishing date: 22/07/2024

Closing date:06/08/2024

In accordance with article 133 of law 39/2015, of 1 october, of Common Administrative Procedure of the public administrations and article 26.2 of the 50/1997, of 27 november, the government, the present consultation aims to obtain the views of those potentially affected by the future regulation and most representative organizations, the following areas:

Background of the standard

Given their institutional status, its legal nature and its work on behalf of local entities, there is a long tradition of cooperation between the spanish federation of municipalities and provinces (FEMP) with the various ministerial departments, and in particular with the current ministry of Territorial policy and Democratic Memory, whose functions in terms of relations with the constituent entities of the Local Administration are contained in Royal Decree 273/2024 of 19 march, which develops its basic organizational structure.

Thus, the ministry of Territorial policy and Democratic Memory, among other powers, it is the proposal and implementation of the government's policy on relations with the autonomous communities and the constituent entities of the local administration, either directly or through their associations, in government and local administration.

Problems that can solve

Enabling FEMP can develop in conditions of cooperation and representation of the interests of local governments, in Diverse applications.

Necessity and opportunity to its adoption

Considering that the objectives outlined above are still fully in force, the General state administration would like to renew its commitment to continue to cooperate in the financing of the work of the FEMP in representing and defending the interests of local governments.

There are reasons of public interest and social council that gave rise to warrant the granting and directly for a subvention to the FEMP with the object and purpose embodied in the proposed rule, since it is the association that represents the largest number of Local Entities, uniting the requirements mentioned in the interests of local governments and the highest institutional representation of the same, which is the reason for economic cooperation of the state with the association of public utility, without the option of going to a competitive “ concurrence procedure ” by not fit this intersection.

Objectives of the rule

Regulatory lay the foundations for a subvention to the General state administration to the spanish federation of municipalities and provinces for the financing of the operating expenses of their activity.

Possible solutions, alternatives, regulatory and non-regulatory

It had considered that there is no alternative to be more suited than the selected. In this regard, in accordance with article 28.2 of the law 38/2003 of 17 november, the special rules governing subsidies under article 22.2.c) should be approved by royal decree, on the proposal of the individual holder of the competent ministry and the advice of the ministry of finance.

In response to the above, a public consultation period with respect to the possible content of the royal decree.

Duration of the consultation: 15 calendar days. Expires on 21 june 2024.

E-mail where direct observations:sgcl@correo.gob.es