Government delegations
- Government delegations
- What is the General State Administration in the Territory?
- Legislation
- Delegations in Autonomous Communities
- Government Delegation in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands
- Government Delegate
- News
- Proyectos, Campañas e Información
- Servicios y Directorio
- Government Sub-delegation in Las Palmas
- Island Direction Fuerteventura
- Island Direction in Lanzarote
- Government Sub-delegation in Santa Cruz de Tenerife
- Island Direction La Gomera
- Island Direction in El Hierro
- Island Direction in La Palma
Plano de Localización de la Dirección Insular en Lanzarote
Calle Blas Cabrera Felipe, 6
35500 - Arrecife (Palmas, Las)
- 928991000
- 928991031
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